Hope During the Times of Pain and suffering (Ar- Rajaa')

Hope During the Times of Pain and suffering (Ar- Rajaa')

Nov 24 , 2023

Aaliyah Saquib

Hope during times of pain and suffering Or Rajaa Assalam alai kum Bismillah hirrahmanirraheem Today as Muslims are witnessing one of the biggest war catastrophe in recent years. Images of children ...

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My Hajj Journey

My Hajj Journey

Jul 27 , 2023

Think Paw Studios

Alhamdulillah I was blessed to have completed the fifth pillar of Islam  Hajj. Its been almost 2 weeks since I returned but the feeling is just so difficult to sink in. The days at Makkah and Madin...

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Hajj Resources - Useful information for your pilgrimage

Hajj Resources - Useful information for your pilgrimage

Jun 02 , 2023

Think Paw Studios

The Hajj season is back. Mabrook if you are among those who have been selected by Allah SWT to visit the holy city of Makkah and fulfil one of the main pillars of Islam. I can imagine the excitemen...

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Coping with Post Ramadan Blues

Coping with Post Ramadan Blues

May 26 , 2023

Aaliyah Saquib

              Assalam alai kum, Hope Alhamdulillah you are all doing well. Its been long since we connected so decided to hop over the live session today and have a small talk with all our lovely s...

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The impact of social media on Muslim society

The impact of social media on Muslim society

Dec 09 , 2022

Aaliyah Saquib

Love it, hate it, but you can’t ignore it! Well, that is the power of social media. It has a mix of content suitable and relatable to individuals of all ages, gender, and community. Everyone is in ...

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Home Economics and its Importance for Children

Home Economics and its Importance for Children

Jun 15 , 2022

Aaliyah Saquib

Home Economics was a part of syllabbus of several schools in UK,USA and other parts of the world. But it was scrapped in recent years due to a myth that its focus is to let women become GOOD HOUSEW...

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